Tuesday, 20 March 2012

What is this? No! This thing here... Or this! This is nice.

There are times in a space, or walking along a road or even talking to a friend you've known all your life , that you forget those little beauties that draw you to it/them/there in the first place.

That space you enjoyed so much, because the light at 3 o'clock in the afternoon sends shards of light onto the opposite wall (sun prevailing of course).

Walking a road, which although strewn with pieces of litter, dog shit or a lost left shoe when first walked upon gave you that enchanting feeling of a new place. New roads could open up, and lead to adventures that are yet to unfold.

People that you have known for years, and even after you thought you'd exhausted all topics of conversation, can still make you smile or frown with perplexity and intrigue. With that all waiting reaction, gauge yours, and continue to make you smile.

"We are what we thought we are"

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